Gender profile in Jinotega’s economy

  • Authors:
    Isolda Rosalía Espinosa, José Luis Cárdenas Lara (coords.), Marbel Gamboa, Mieke Vanderschaeghe (elabor.)
    Fundación ETEA – ONU Mujeres
    Year: 2013


This study seeks to investigate and characterize the situation of women in the Jinotegan economy from a gender perspective. The information presented here is the result of a systematic process of information gathering with the participation of key actors in the territory, whose contributions on the economic development of the area have enriched the content of the study.

The objectives around which this study has been developed are the following:

  • To outline economic indicators to evaluate the condition and position of women in the Jinotegan economy and to analyze the opportunities and barriers to their development (gender gaps, barriers to access to employment, productive, social and knowledge assets, etc.).
  • To promote a qualitative and quantitative economic analysis that provides relevant inputs for the construction of a work agenda in the spaces of inter-institutional coordination and promotion of women’s economic rights in the department of Jinotega.

This research has been developed within the framework of the project “Reduction of Food Insecurity in Rural Areas of Five Municipalities of Jinotega through the Economic, Social and Political Empowerment of Women” financed in 2009 by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), with the support of the ETEA Foundation for Development and Cooperation and other local partners in the Department of Jinotega.

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