Transfer of EU knowledge and best practices for the establishment and functioning of local action groups for sustainable rural development

  • Country: Macedonia
    Start date: 12/04/2018
    End date: 31/10/2019
    Applicant(s): Fundación ETEA y Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA Granada)
    Funder: European Commission

The technical assistance “Transfer of EU knowledge and best practices for the establishment and functioning of LAGs for sustainable rural development” focuses on a study aimed at taking advantage of the experience and good practices of sustainable rural development in Andalusia (Spain), to be shared with technical and policy makers in Macedonia in order to establish Local Action Groups in Macedonia and develop their own rural development policy and thus improve social development and reduce poverty in rural areas.

The main outputs of this technical assistance have been:

  • Training on the experience of rural development in Andalusia, and transfer of good practices
  • Organisation of a study tour of a Macedonian delegation to rural development experiences in Andalusia
  • Elaboration of public policy recommendations applicable to Macedonia