Improving prevention and care services for victims of gender-based violence and people with alcohol and drug dependence in the post-COVID-19 context in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

  • Country: Honduras
    Location: Santa Rosa de Copán
    Start date: 25/02/2021
    End date: 24/02/2023
    Applicant(s): Fundación ETEA
    Local partner(s): Fundación Casa Hogar Santa Rosa
    Funder: AACID
    Funding: 299.412,00 EUR
    Research line: Psicology

In Santa Rosa de Copán and the rest of Honduras, following the declaration of the State of Emergency by COVID-19, the growing wave of violence against women has been observed, but the space for attention to women has diminished, given the strategies aimed at reducing the spread of the pandemic.

In order to contribute to the eradication of these inhuman and degrading gender-based abuses, a system of attention and prevention of gender-based violence will be initiated. In a post-COVID-19 context, work will be carried out in three areas:

  • Strengthening the system of prevention and comprehensive care for victims of gender-based violence (women, youth, children, LGTBIQ+ population)
  • Improving institutional capacities for awareness-raising, prevention and detection of care for vulnerable groups (victims of gender violence, people with alcoholism and drug addiction)
  • Raise public awareness on non-discrimination, violence and human rights violations against vulnerable groups