Inclusion of the Lenca Indigenous People in processes of advocacy and local economic development in 7 municipalities of the Department of La Paz, with the support of the Café Marcala Designation of Origin and its strategic allies

  • Country: Honduras
    Location: La Paz
    Start date: 01/03/2017
    End date: 01/03/2020
    Applicant(s): Asociación de Productores de Café de Marcala (ADOPCAM), Fundación ETEA and University Loyola
    Funder: EuropeAid
    Funding: 222.470,00 EUR

The current Lenca population is approximately 443,070 inhabitants, distributed in around 1252 Lenca communities, located in the highest areas of Honduras. In the specific case of the Department of La Paz, the Lenca population is mainly located in seven of the so-called Highland Municipalities, which are part of the country’s priority areas for intervention with development programmes aimed at reducing poverty and improving the quality of life of the population. One of the main objectives of the Asociación Denominación De Origen Café Marcala (ADOPCAM) is the preservation of the region’s customs and traditions as an element of added value that allows the population to achieve economic growth while preserving its resources and customs.

The objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and poverty reduction of the Lenca Indigenous People, through the strengthening of civil society organisations (CSOs) and economic empowerment in 7 Lenca municipalities in the Department of La Paz.