Formulation of the PRPEES Programme Results and Impact Measurement Mechanism

  • Country: Central America
    Start date: 19/11/2020
    End date: 19/02/2021
    Applicant(s): Fundación ETEA
    Partner(s): GMI Global
    Funder: BCIE
    Funding: 140.000,00 USD

The objective of this service will be to establish indicators and formulate the mechanism for measuring and evaluating the results and impact on the multidimensional poverty conditions of PRPEES beneficiaries in the Central American region. Likewise, the design of a monitoring and evaluation system for the social programmes and projects financed by CABEI in each sector is presented, through the implementation of different evaluation methodologies that will allow obtaining information on the implementation, indicators of products, results and impact and assessing the feasibility of implementing different impact evaluation methodologies, which will allow knowing the causal attribution of these programmes in the development of households.


  • A diagnostic study on poverty measurement and evaluation methodologies in Central America
  • A detailed proposal for the design of an ex-post evaluation of results and impact on the level of development and capacities of PRPEES beneficiary families
  • A digital tool that allows users to make an ex ante assessment of the poverty situation, from a human and multidimensional perspective, of the beneficiaries of the different projects financed by PRPEES in the countries of the region
  • A strategy for disseminating the results and impacts of the projects and programmes financed within the framework of the PRPEES