Food security, water and forestry resource management and improved agricultural productivity and marketing, with a territorial approach and promoting environmental sustainability in Honduras

  • Country: Honduras
    Location: Mancomunidades de Alto Lempa, Montaña de Güisayote y Valle de Sensenti
    Start date: 01/01/2015
    End date: 01/01/2019
    Applicant(s): CESAL
    Local partner(s): Fundación ETEA, COPADE
    Funder: AECID
    Funding: 2.500.000,00 EUR
    Research line: Rural development

The intervention is focused on improving the food and nutritional security of smallholder families (with or without access to their own land).

Territorially, it focuses on two regions in western Honduras, Alto Lempa and Valle de Sensenti, with 36 communities where, according to studies, malnutrition rates and lack of access to food are among the highest in Honduras. These municipalities form part of the upper basin of the Lempa River and the upper basin of the Ulúa River and are connected by the western highway and by a branch towards the south of Lempira, defining a territorially structured corridor.

This intervention pivots on two axes: The first is production to improve the nutrition of small producers by improving eating habits, as well as the generation and management of surpluses in families in the territorial corridor that have the capacity and improvement of marketing channels. The second axis is that of institutional strengthening and governance in Food Security and Environment for adequate decision making, implementing and transferring methodologies and knowledge in food security with a territorial approach to public institutions, partner organisations and other local actors.

Project videos

Fighting malnutrition and hunger in Honduras (Spanish)