Inclusive and Sustainable Communities for the reduction of gender gaps of coffee-producing families in Ocotepeque, Honduras
- Country: Honduras
Start date: 01/02/2023
End date: 31/01/2025
Applicant: Fundación ETEA
Local partners: Cooperativa Cafetalera Ecológica La Labor Limitada, Asociación de municipios de Mancomunidad Güisayote, CONACAFE, AMUCAFE, IHCAFE, Consejo Nacional Supervisor de Cooperativas
Funder: AACID
Funding: 336.620,00 EUR
The objective of the project is to contribute to improving the quality of life of coffee-producing families through the development of inclusive and sustainable strategies for the strengthening of equitable coffee-growing communities in the Honduran department of Ocotepeque.
It is expected to respond to needs expressed by the population to make their production more sustainable and equitable, and therefore an integrated implementation is proposed. First, by attending to 180 producer families with productive diversification and a gender focus, seeking equitable access to and control of resources; strengthening small-scale business structures; and community attention (awareness-raising and political advocacy on gender issues). In addition, marketing and communication researchers will support the project by studying the impact, remuneration of coffee certifications and sound production. Finally, it will work directly with the Alianza Mujeres en Café de Honduras (AMUCAFE) for the implementation of the Gender Policy of the coffee sector and advocacy actions.
R1 Strengthened capacities of coffee producers in the sustainable productive management and commercialisation of their production.
R2 The internal processes of six micro-enterprise organisations have been strengthened in the productive, environmental, marketing and legal areas.
R3 Population of the Department of Ocotepeque sensitised on inclusion and non-discrimination of women coffee producers.