Detailed diagnosis of the socioeconomic situation, social and productive barriers, of the lenca population

  • Authors:
    Pedro Pablo Pérez Hernández (Coord.), María Auxiliadora González Portillo, José M. Martín Lozano, Alfonso Carlos Martínez Estudillo.
    ETEA Foundation for Development and Cooperation.
    Year: 2018


This research work covers the detailed diagnosis on the socioeconomic situation, social and productive barriers, of the Lenca population with a gender approach, managing to determine the percentage of the population of Lenca origin, percentage of women, youth, elderly, people with special abilities, their level of participation in decision-making in both public and private institutions, customs that are still maintained, lost customs, which of these can be rescued and the situation of ethnic identity.This research is part of the project financed by a grant from the European Union to the Asociación Denominación de Origen Café Marcala (ADOPCAM), called “Inclusion of the Lenca Indigenous People in processes of incidence and local economic development in 7 municipalities of the Department of La Paz, with the support of the Denominación de Origen Café Marcala and its strategic allies”.

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