Evaluating impacts of university cooperation for development from the voice of the south

  • Authors:
    María José Vázquez de Francisco, Mercedes Torres Jiménez, Pedro Caldentey del Pozo, Olexandr Nekhay
  • Publication:
    Revista de Economía Mundial 47, 2017, 95-116
  • Years: 2017


University Cooperation for Development is an important part of the “third mission” of universities. From a capability approach, this study investigates the perception that Latin-American university teachers, researchers and staff have as recipients of aid, about the effects of long-term university cooperation programmes with universities from the North. Using a combination of qualitative (Colaizzi) and quantitative (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methods, an assessment of university cooperation activities was obtained, and a categorisation and prioritisation of impacts was found. This impact evaluation could provide an orientation for future more effective programmes of university cooperation, from the point of view of aid recipients.

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