Marketing strategy for micro and small enterprises in Western Honduras: Market analysis of strategic sectors

  • Authors:
    José Luis Cárdenas Lara y Rubén E. Zepeda San Martín (coords.)
    Fundación ETEA para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación.
    Year: 2014


Through the action entitled “Improving the entrepreneurial and productive skills of MSMEs in the economic corridor of western Honduras,” financed by the European Union and executed by the ETEA Foundation and ADELSAR, the goal is to strengthen the human and technical capacities of these beneficiary groups, generating tools that will enable the sustainability of productive and entrepreneurial structures.

The joint effort of ADELSAR and the ETEA Foundation, and the link between the latter and the Loyola Andalucía University, made it possible to have specialized human resources to support the construction of a commercialization strategy in the western part of the country, based on the analysis of different sectors considered strategic for the economic development of the region.

This document gathers such analysis, based on the research carried out to gather primary information regarding prices, suppliers, clients, intermediaries and competitors in each of the sectors and micro and small companies belonging to them. In addition, each sector study is accompanied by a business diagnosis and certain marketing practices. The document is intended to become a tool that will allow these and other companies in these sectors to have reliable information to design their marketing and commercialization strategies.

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