- Author:
Francisco Santos Carrillo - Publication:
Revista Pensamiento Propio, nº 29, enero-julio 2009. Editorial CRIES - Year: 2009
Francisco Santos Carrillo, researcher at the ETEA Foundation for Development and Cooperation, has published in the magazine Pensamiento Propio, of the Regional Coordinator of Economic and Social Research (CRIES), the article “From legitimization to participation. The Consultative Committee of the Central American Regional Integration System (CC-SICA)”.
In this article, Francis Santos, an expert in Central American civil society (the subject of his doctoral thesis, soon to be defended), describes the creation, functioning, successes and difficulties of this body established as a space for the participation of social actors in SICA. It also analyzes its particular supranational configuration and its repercussions.
This article shows us the only example of a supranational formulation among the different Regional Integration processes existing in Latin America. It also shows the persistence of a formula that, although it made its survival extremely difficult, seems to have ended up representing the conscience of a budding regional citizenship.