ODA in Education under review: An analysis of Spanish cooperation 2005/2006

  • Authors:
    Valeria Méndez de Vigo y Cristina Manzanedo (coords.); Mª Luz Ortega, Ana Hernández, Mercedes Torres, Gloria Angulo, David Alonso, Mary Tere Guzmán, Miguel González, Consuelo Vélaz de Medrano (autoras)
    Alboan, Entreculturas, Fundación ETEA para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación
    Year: 2008


This report is the logical continuation of a previous one entitled “ODA in Education under review: an analysis of Spanish cooperation: 1999-2004” published in 2005 by Entreculturas and Alboan. The purpose of that text was “to analyze Spanish cooperation in education and to contribute with a series of proposals and recommendations for its improvement”. The objective of the present report, which basically analyzes what happened in the 2005-2006 biennium, is no different.

With this report, the result of the joint work of Entreculturas, Alboan and ETEA, these organizations aim to contribute to the improvement of the quality of Spanish cooperation in education from the conviction that it should play a priority role in contributing to the development of impoverished peoples.

In all the chapters, the analyses and reflections are placed within the general framework expressed today in the major international agreements on cooperation, with frequent reference to the criteria of aid effectiveness established at the Paris Conference.

The three institutions (NGDOs) that have produced and edited this report have a strong component in the field of education; not in vain have they been promoted by the Society of Jesus, a religious order with a multi-secular experience of educational tradition. It is no coincidence that they have paid particular attention to the effectiveness of Spanish official development aid in the field of education.

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