- Authors: Francisco Amador, Lorenzo Estepa y José J. Romero SJ
- Publication: Revista DESARROLLO, nº 34 Especial “Vietnam. Cooperación y Desarrollo”, 1er semestre 2008
- Year: 2008
The Journal “Desarrollo” (Journal of the Spanish Chapter of the International Society for Development), in a monograph dedicated to “Vietnam. Cooperación y Desarrollo”, has published the article “Las bases para el desarrollo rural de Vietnam: un proceso para implementación de estrategias territoriales de desarrollo rural en Vietnam”, signed by Francisco Amador, Lorenzo Estepa and José J. Romero.
On January 18, 2007, the presentation of the book (in Vietnamese and English) “BASES FOR TERRITORY-BASED RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAM” took place in Hanoi. This document is one of the main products of a long inter-institutional cooperation started in 2000, oriented to the rural development of the country and financed by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, with the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, the People Aid Cooperation Committee (PACCOM), the Hanoi Agricultural University, other Vietnamese agricultural centers within the framework of the project implemented by the AIDA association and INSA-ETEA.
This article aims to present the above project and publication to interested readers and to provide a brief reflection on the feasibility of the above policies in a Southeast Asian country such as Vietnam.